Wednesday 23 April 2014

Preliminary Thoughts on Numbers

Some preliminary thoughts about the pennant points system (source post here, a useful translation here), and its wider implications:
  • From a high level, it seems to have encompassed the three major types of "processes" that form the crux of the 48 Group's popularity: theater performances, handshakes and elections. From a completeness point of view, it looks reasonable.
  • One point that I stress that has been emphasised in the following detailed discussion, is that if you look beyond the maths involved, there are no new practical implications arising for fans. The objective is once again, as is always in the idol fandom, to maximise your spending on these members across all three areas. However, what this has done is to slightly shift the focus away from the individual to the team, and incentivised the shift accordingly. 
  • Some of my understanding, and the comments/implications arising from it, may change depending on what further information (if any) AKS decides to release - as well as the obvious language barrier.